Carina Hesper


Carina Hesper aims to connect with the viewer through the portraits she makes. Sometimes by capturing her own (possibly manipulated) face, but also by working with people with a special or marginal position in society and vunerable locations like burned down houses. Often this results in works of art and design that are confrontational rather than comfortable, compelling the viewer to take a stand, and to reflect on social issues and developments.

During her residency, she will focus on expanding her Lucky Flowers series. It is expected to study the integration of Chinese cultural heritage and contemporary art, and at the same time compare the local cultural heritage of the Netherlands, explore the innovative expressions of the photographic media, and use the traditional model to discover new forms of technology. 

In addition to the expansion of the "Lucky Flower" series, inspired by Chinese culture and life, Jan and Carina are also expected to open new projects here. They also hope to sow new projects here, so they can fully integrate their work into both “high” culture (visual art, media art) and “low” culture (traditional).




Zhao Qian


Jan Misker